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My 3 Immediate Postpartum Lifesavers

Not the candy, I'm sorry, I meant 3 essentials that legit saved my life postpartum because that transition is HARD!

1) Baby Carrier

Are you surprised? I'm a baby-wearing educator, so you know that I love a good baby wrap! You can also use a ring sling, a Tula Free to Grow ( my affiliate link ) or any appropriately sized carrier! Knowing how to use it properly so that you can simply throw it on means that your baby will get better sleep, and you'll be able to take care of yourself more and get out of the house easier! Rhodes had a tongue and lip tie; he was not an easy baby, and we solo parented from when he was 2 months old until 19 months! Babywearing has saved me in multiple instances because our children want to be close to us! Holding your baby in your arms or inner wrap is not going to make them spoiled. It will only make your life easier, and they will enjoy it long-term! I used it to ensure I could get ready, eat a good breakfast for my breastfeeding body, and get outside with my puppy for some fresh air! This item is truly worth the investment for every single family!

2) An Invested Partner

Your partner is your teammate, your backbone, your 3:00am diaper change, and the person you laugh with because you're both so exhausted, but you wouldn't want to do this without them! Conversations beforehand about mental load, laundry, expectations in postpartum, and even just basic communication skills truly helped us! I needed Curtis' support with meals and house tasks; I could handle most of the newborn care myself and survive on minimal sleep (he definitely can't, lol). Navigating your new relationship with a baby can be complex. When you have a newborn, they require much attention and throw your routine for an absolute loop. Look into Fairplay by Eve Swarovski if you need an idea of where to start! (The Fair Play Deck: A Couple's Conversation Deck for Prioritizing What's Important

3) Let Yourself Make Life Easy

I dropped my expectations...LOW! Food for us both, clean clothes and the dog outside; this was the everyday goal, and anything else was a bonus! I knew my body would bleed more if I worked too hard, and it happened multiple times - that's a sign to SLOW down if you didn't already know! I chose to prepare for my postpartum mental state by starting Zoloft as well, but that's a story for another time. So I dropped my expectations and changed my lifestyle even more. I ordered food when needed, asked for friends' support, cleaned while he napped, used screen time like a mofo, treated myself far too often, and realized that this time would pass quickly; I needed to enjoy it instead of trying to combat it! You can set yourself up for success in so many different ways in pregnancy, but when it comes to being freshly postpartum, you must be patient with yourself and make it easy! Don't plan big life things, try to avoid people who stress you out, and realize that you are your own harshest critic! This frankly means that you need to cut yourself some slack, drop your shoulders, take a deep breath, and realize that you will overcome!

So there you go! One thing that costs you money, one person doing this alongside you, and advice on how to take care of you! I'm always here for you in that freshly postpartum time, and having me as a postpartum Doula is the self-care you deserve.




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