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So you’ve reached out!! And now you wait.. For me to check my email and get back to you! I’m usually pretty quick because I am SO excited! We will start to chat about what your interested in and schedule out meet and great! 


So you’re wondering more and what comes next? Let’s schedule a virtual zoom consultation or in person get together to go over the finer details of having me as your birth doula and get to know each other! I’ll bring you books, PDF education documents & anything else you need to feel like this is your perfect match!


Contract signed, deposit sent & we are golden baby! You're added onto my private Instagram story and your inbox gets flooded with resources! It’s as easy as that! Now we book a coffee date or a play date to organize and schedule the next 10 months of your custom birth support!


Your first one is around 25 weeks and the next is around 36 weeks! From lactation education, birth goal creation and postpartum planning, these are the crucial connection visits that set us up for your delivery!


So you’re in labour! We’ve planned for this and you know to just call me! You feel prepared, armed with coping mechanisms and confident in your body/baby process! We get together and are together until that baby is earth-side, each birth process can become unique but you know my care stays the same!


You’re home from the hospital or birth centre, or maybe you’ve never left your bed haha! I’m available for postpartum services as soon as 24H after your birth and can be there every day after! Otherwise I like to schedule a postpartum follow up around the 4th day because it’s the 4th trimester where we go over your birth, breastfeeding, babywearing, recovery and pretty much anything else you want to cover! I love this visit, being welcomed into a fresh new families space is such a blessing!


We’re pretty much bonded for life because I was there for your in birth right?? That’s how it feels haha! But seriously, from doing multiple postpartum visits or babywearing education sessions with your 6 month old, postpartum isn’t just over at a certain time! I want to be there for you now and when your 4 babies deep - let’s do it!

the process

  • + 3 Prenatal visits and education in your home, mine, virtual, or wherever you are most comfortable! 
    + Support in all birthing places including your home, hospital and birth centre

    + 24/7 text & call support, access to all birth tools and resources! 
    + Support during all approaches including cesarean, vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC), unmedicated, epidural, hypnobirthing and faith-based birth. 

    + Postpartum visits on day 4 and day 30! 

    + Birth pool rentals, TENS machine, peanut & birth balls included. 

    $1600 - Monthly Payment Plans Available 

  • From postpartum baskets in both bathrooms, meal prepping, realistic expectation talk & house task division, we get you into your postpartum groove! Preparing for the fourth trimester is crucial, so let us foster the time and soak up the fourth! Visit is done in your home around 37 weeks gestation!

    Day Rate $25/Hr

    Night Rate $35/Hr

  • Thinking about giving birth for the first time can leave you with two things: anxiety and SO many questions! I want to teach everything you need to know — and what others wish they had known about the physiological birth, our medicalized birth system, advocating in birth, the signs of labor, how to effectively cope with labor, how your partner can be involved, the role of your providers & what to expect during those first moments with baby!


  • Prenatal Consult
    This in-home try-on & education session sets the foundation for your baby-wearing journey. We cover all the different styles of carriers, lifestyle functionality and budget ranges to ensure you are getting the best fit for your family! Virtual consults are available.

    Postpartum Consult
    This in-home try-on & education session uses your baby, and addresses any difficulties and the carriers you’ve purchased! If the carriers you own aren’t fitting your lifestyle I bring some of my go-to and you will learn as a family how to integrate baby wearing into your routine.


    The topic of babywearing may be new to you but it has been practiced for centuries by all parents throughout the world! From wrapping up your fresh newborn to strapping that busy toddler on your back, babywearing is meant to give you 1 on 1 bonding time and the ability to be hands-free! I truly believe being knowledgeable and creating a baby-wearing routine for you postpartum gives you time to take care of yourself and handle the never-ending tasks we're faced with as parents!

    Benefits of Baby Wearing for Babe & Parents

    * Easy transition into the fourth trimester

    * Encourages bonding with both parents

    * Less crying and fussing

    * Prevents flat head syndrome

    * Stabilizes baby's body temperature

    * Hands-free convenience for parents 

    * Easily transportable

You can add on any of these packages at any time! From birth support, postpartum help, babywearing education, and more! I'm here for you! My services are not strictly what you see here. If there's something you need from now until your baby is two (and after!) I'm your girl. We can create a custom package that suits your needs and wants perfectly.


Edmonton's Modern Parents Hire Graceful Birth Doula for their Hospital Birth!

you deserve the birth of your dreams

Twinkle lights, autonomy over your body, precious moments captured, support navigating the medical birth world - your birth is unique just like your baby! Let's create this journey together!

Edmonton's Modern Doula, Graceful Birth Doula Supports Your Empowered Birth Today!

I’m here for YOU! For the 2am searches, the 5am water breaking wake up call & the newborn poop fiascos. My goal is to make this transition in parenthood easier and then some could even say, enjoyable? I think preparation is everything when it comes to empowerment, we connect throughout your whole 10 month baby growing journey, but you’ll always get access to me and my support! Being a mom is hard, it brings up unexpected things and I think birth is the starter point of that! There is no redo. No take backsies. Your birth is 1 ( usually more haha ) days where you deserve welcoming, focused & comforting support!

I'm Here For You

"If you're on the fence about hiring a doula, hire Grace"

I am so grateful to have Grace as part of my pregnancy/birth/postpartum team. She has been an absolute joy to work with and I will be recommending her to all newly pregnant mamas I know. Prenatally she checked in with me often, provided education for birth prep for both myself and husband, and was a positive voice all throughout. I initially didn't think I needed a doula but I truly believe that having Grace with us for my home birth prevented an unplanned and unwanted hospital transfer. My labor progressed very quickly and, long story short, we weren't sure if our midwives would make it in time for delivery. Grace remained calm but also realistic about what was happening and held us together until our midwives arrived. Even through all of that chaos she managed to capture photos and video of labor and delivery that we will cherish forever.

Grace's support for both my husband and I during a very stressful situation made a huge difference in my birth experience and I am so so happy she was there. On top of that, she has been immensely helpful during this postpartum period dealing with jaundice, weight concerns, lack of sleep, etc as new parents. She is gentle and aware of how vulnerable this time is and I always feel better after talking to her.

If I could only choose 3 words to describe Grace I'd say calm, reassuring, and supportive. If you're on the fence about hiring a doula, hire Grace.

Hot tip: Put her service on your baby registry and recommend it as a group gift option

-Marissa (home birth)

"I don't think I would have had the birth experience I did without her."

Grace was an awesome addition to my whole pregnancy, she was there every step of the way whenever I needed her. She continues to be very supportive afterwards as well always answering any questions I have. She was in the OR during my planned C-section and she made that experience wonderful by taking lots of pics, videos and even cutting my sons cord. She was there with him while they were assessing him making sure he was never alone which eased so much worry and anxiety. She was there for me during surgery as well calming me and letting me know everything that was going on. I would recommend her to everyone and anyone because she is definitely a must have for any birth experience. Not only is she wonderful at what she does she is just simply wonderful human being! I don’t think I would have had the birth experience I did without her involved.

-Haley (planned c-section)

"All I can say is wow!"

All I can say is wow, Grace truly is a trooper. I can't believe how she fell into my lap/birth plan but I honestly couldn't have had the unmedicated vaginal birth I've always imagined without her. Forever grateful she is phenomenal and passionate at what she does and it shows! If you ever want a doula who is affordable and all the things I mentioned above, hire Grace! 10/10

-Amanda (hospital birth)

"I couldn't have accomplished my wish for a natural birth without her."

Hiring Grace as our doula was the smartest decision we made throughout my entire pregnancy. She helped me gain so much knowledge and confidence to have the HBAC I've dreamed after dealing with an unnecessary c section with my first. Having her there during labour and birth was perfect. I FaceTimed her saying I needed help and within a few minutes she was with me. She gave me some wonderful pressure point massages that helped me so much with pain management and her words of encouragement, focus, and perspective helped me get through some of the roughest patches of my labour and the ring of fire. I honestly feel like I couldn’t have accomplished my wish for a natural birth without her. Over all my labour turned out to be a really incredible & beautiful experience. Grace was there every step of the way to support my HBAC, not only me but my hubby was so grateful for her support. I can't thank her enough for the postpartum help, food drop off, and check ins.

-Summer (home birth)

"As soon as she entered my birth space I instantly felt more calm, comfortable, and in control."

I cannot say enough good things about Grace. She has the most calming, empathetic presence about her. As soon as she entered my birth space I instantly felt more calm, comfortable, and in control. She has also been the most amazing support in this postpartum period, answering any questions I have, helping me talk through my birth and process it all. She also took pictures during my labour which I didn’t have with my previous births so for that I am incredibly grateful. I’m so thankful I had her on my support team and she’ll definitely be the first person I call for any future pregnancies!

-Erica (hospital birth)

"Grace was a crucial part of our successful birth experience."

Grace is phenomenal at what she does. She made our birth experience that much better with her calm & reassuring presence, her encouragment and wealth of knowledge. She helped to guide and support not only me, but my partner during labor and birth making us feel comfortable and taken care of. Grace truly was a crucial part of our successful birth experience, & we could not have done it without her.

She gives her all to her clients, and her passion for her birth work is unmeasured.

If you are looking for someone to support you through the anxieties and unknowns of pregnancy, labor and postpartum then look no further. She is a godsend!

-Danae (hospital birth)

Client Love

Doula Association of Edmonton Graceful Birth Doula
DONA Doula Graceful Birth Doula Edmonton
Association for Safe Alternaties in Childbirth with Graceful Birth Doula
Alberta Breastfeeding Committee Graceful Birth Doula Edmonton
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