Carrier try-ons, tutorials & support.
The topic of babywearing may be new to you but it has been practiced for centuries by parents worldwide! From wrapping up your fresh newborn to strapping that busy toddler on your back, babywearing is meant to give you 1-on-1 bonding time and the ability to be hands-free! I truly believe that all parents should be educated on safe babywearing practices and how including babywearing in your routine can help you take care of yourself and handle the never-ending tasks we are faced with as parents!
• Easier transition into the fourth trimester
• Encourages bonding with both parents
• Less crying and fussing!
• Prevents flat head syndrome in babies
• Hands-free convenience
• Perfect for on-the-go families
• Helpful for all ages, newborn to toddler!
Benefits of babywearing for babe and parents
Book a Postpartum Consult
This in-home try-on & educational session uses your baby, (and sometimes my demo doll Rhoda) to address any difficulties and the carriers you’ve purchased along the way! If the carriers you own aren’t fitting your lifestyle, I bring some of my go-tos and you will learn as a family how to integrate baby wearing into your routine! This visit can be done anywhere from 4 days postpartum to 3 years old for back wearing!
During this thorough in-home try-on and educational session, we'll utilize your baby (and sometimes my trusty demo doll, Rhoda) to troubleshoot any challenges you've encountered with your carriers! If the carriers you already own don't quite align with your lifestyle, worry not! I'll bring some of my personal favorites, and together, as a family, we'll discover how to seamlessly integrate the joy of babywearing into your daily routine.
This visit is suitable for families at any stage, from just 4 days postpartum to the adventurous age of 3 years for back carrying! Embrace this opportunity to not only conquer baby wearing hurdles but also to embark on a journey filled with happiness, closeness, and unforgettable moments with your little one, fostering a deep and joyful connection that will last a lifetime.
$125.00 | 1.5 Hours
Book a Prenatal Consult
This in-home try-on and education session sets the foundation for your babywearing journey! We cover all the different styles of carriers, lifestyle functionality, and budget ranges to ensure you are getting the best fit for your family! We chat in-depth about each carrier, I help you and your partner try on your top picks to see what feels best, and make a plan for how to use it postpartum! I bring my demo doll, Rhoda, to act as your practice baby. During the prenatal consult, you'll discover the world of babywearing and gain valuable insights into proper techniques and safety measures. Baby safety and ergonomics while babywearing are important, so we make sure you feel confident in your abilities! Investing in this session means you'll be well-prepared and confident in your babywearing skills, ensuring a comfortable and joyful experience for everyone!
$100.00 | 1.5 hours
*Virtual consults are available!